Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Great Expectations Lecture Notes

Great expectations 
Coming of age story-  buildons romon 
Pip: (protagonist) main character
Orphan, feels unwanted and feels the normal path of life (family job etc) isn't going to fulfill him
Vulnerable, adopts role models and try to mimick their lives such as...
Magwitch: guy in church graveyard, eats like an animal( not governed by civilization) wickedness and brutality. Showing the animals need to survive and shows the strand of abandonment that pip may become.
Havasham: having shame, witch like figure that has a shining promise or horrible decay. Sacrificed her life to moralize dead hope and betrayal. Her house has not moved or been touched since she was left and abandoned at her alter (wedding) she's the monster side of the female. Havasham has trained Estella to be a heartbreaker and destroyer of men. Represents dual possibility of adult hood. She's rich and adopted Stella (positive pip takes) on the other hand she and Estella are not what they seem. 
Havasham and Estella remind him of himself and his working class background 
Magwitch reminds pip of his violent side

Question in his mind: am I wicked? Do I deserve what has happened in my life?
Novel of childhood fantasy
Imagines what his life would be life but he doesn't see what it's going to require of him (typical child idealism) 

He meets two father figures named Joe Grogery and Jagger's......
•Joe is the blacksmith , physical strength. Lives by feeling and goes with his gut/heart. He's not a success because he's not rich but he's happy and has a great romantic life. Doesn't judge people's appearances and is kinda of romantic. Joe comes across mother and his children and keeps them together living a happy life. 
•Jaggers knows things about people. Knows secrets. And he holds then over people to keep them loyal( blackmail). He's cold hearted and goes by the book. Doesn't believe in people or ideas. Not successful emotionally, but does have a lot of money. 
Separates mother and child, sells child to Havasham and keeps mother as a slave. 
People like Jaggers: Estella, Molly, Havasham, early magwich

•Wemick plays off of jaggers. Clerk that works with jags. Different guy at home and at work. Lover of Mrs skifins. Pip plays both Wemick and magwich. 

•Magwitch: he identifies with pip as an orphan. Also has a double life: evil life of a child or life after pip influenced a positive life. 

1.Havasham is not his fairy godmother 
2.Estella is not intended for pip and was just part of her training process. 
3. Magwich has authored and created pips expectations. 
4. Pip comes to an understanding that what's old is new again, ideas that we've had before are still there. A young person coming up to a discovery of his own and not an adult telling and showing him a set out path. 

Pip is a fantasist not a realist and that how he differs from joe and jaggers. 
Joe and jags understand that they live in a real world and there's consequences. 

Pip becomes a snob. Attracts to a women that's nothing but horrible (Estella). Conveys his impurity by talking about his bad attitude with joe.. We see he knows he's not in a fantasy world but still doesn't quite get it. 

By the end of the book pip and Estella are a middle age couple that failed. Pip returns to the forge at the end of the novel. Joe and his wife have a son named pip.

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