Friday, December 12, 2014

Hamlet: Act Three Remix

My group (Stevie Wisz, Alec Wilson and Noah Hernandez) decided to take a different turn and way about this project. We went into this hoping for collaboration with Phonar! Unfortunately, the young man that decided to take up our project with us got ill and had to spend the week it was due in the hospital... another male decided to step in a send us a quick little picture he had created that he thought represented the essential theme portrayed throughout Hamlet. Here's the picture.

During class we stood up and explained what each of us got out of this picture and how we related it to Shakespeare work. I took this in a way of Hamlet being represented as the boy with the hood and the depressing persona he gives off. The whole scene is depressing and to me that's what I concluding about the whole entire play. The graves in the background could either represent death as a whole throughout the play or represent his father King Hamlet and foreshadowing the death of King Claudius. Hamlet during the whole play is constantly putting up with a battle of his own whether it was in his head, which was expressed aloud during his soliloquy, or the physical battles he has with other characters such as Polonius, Gertrude, Ophelia or Claudius. Another description I took out of this picture was the fact that he isn't quite fully there as a human being. He seems sort of like a ghost and that's huge during the play because, as a reader, he always came off to me as someone in the shadows because people resented him and his doings because he was sought of to be a mad man. Nobody genuinely cared for Hamlet and by making him see-through fits perfectly with this remix. Phonar did a very good job designing a picture through a trans media message and I got a lot of of remixing this act in Hamlet!

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