Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Character Study 1

"Bear down! Bear down! Bear down!" Are the only words that are coming out of my mouth right this second. Sitting smack dab in the middle of the student section, I intruigingly watch our boys basketball team try and keep the lead during the Pac 12 basketball championships. Sitting there I reminisce on how fortunate I am to be to fulfilling my dream and being a college student at The University of Arizona. This year has been nothing but outstanding for me. Don't get me wrong, I was extremely nervous during my first week of classes, but thank God I have a friend,  that's currently attending the school as a sophmore, to lead me around. I nervously applied to be in a sorority and I got it and it was the best decision of my life! Meeting my "sisters" and future friends forever was the most relieving feeling so far. Nothing but positives came from working my ass off senior year busting out pleasing SAT and ACT scores and I couldn't thank all my teachers, peers and parents for pushing me and making me the person I am today. Crossing my fingers, rocking my bright red and blue wildcats t-shirt, I then return back to the process of loosing my voice cheering on my basketball friends about to make history!

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